Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Gadget Repair- How to Remove a Scratch from your Gadge


Scratches suck! No matter how careful you are they always seem to appear on your smart phone device. Ever wonder if there is a magical way to make those pesky scratches disappear? Well we have the magical process to remove your scratches in a literal sense!

Scratch removal 101:
You are going to need a couple essential materials before we start to create the magical scratch remover pad.


·      Microfiber cloth
·      An egg
·      Aluminum foil
·      Potassium Aluminum Sulfate (PAS)

Step 1.
Take a small saucepan, then crack the egg and only add the egg white to the concoction. Then add around a 5ml of (PAS) to the egg whites. Then heat until around 200 degrees F, or until the (PAS) is all dissolved.
Step 2.
Take your microfiber and soak up as much of the liquid as you can.
Step 3.
Now place the soaked cloth on a piece of aluminum foil and place in your oven at 350 degrees F for as long as it takes to dry.
Step 4.
Run the dried microfiber under some water and rinse it of for a few seconds.
Step 5.
Repeat the oven and then rinse around 5 times and then let the cloth dry for 24 hours. Now your cloth will be ready to use on your mobile device.

Take your cloth and watch the magic happen in front of your own eyes. What are you going to take a scratch out of next? This process works with any scratch on the lens. 

You may also be interested in Cool Gadget Gifts 

h on Cell. [Photograph] by Unknown 2009,
Adapted from ]


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